Debt Payoff Calculator

If you are feeling overwhelmed and buried in debt payments, it may be difficult to figure out how to fix it. To get a handle on the situation, you need to know how to calculate debt in relation to total amounts, minimum payments and interest rates. A debt payoff calculator can help simplify these steps so you can easily compare your debt relief options.

How To Use

To use our debt calculator, slide the first blue button to the number that represents the total amount that you owe. Move the second button to the average interest rate you pay on your debt. Scroll down to see an estimate of how much you would pay each month, the total you need to pay it off, and how long it will take. To explore how a longer payoff period or a different interest rate might affect your monthly payment, change the interest rate and term on the debt consolidation calculator.

To learn more about your debt relief options, contact us today.

How much debt do you owe?

What is your average interest rate?

Debt Settlement with
Optimal Debt Solutions

Months to Pay Off 36
Interest Rate 0%
Total Interest Paid $0
Monthly Payment
Total Cost
Total Savings

Debt Consolidation or
Credit Counseling

Months to Pay Off
Interest Rate
Total Interest Paid $0
Monthly Payment $445
Total Cost $16000
Total Paying $9000

Do Nothing

(Make minimum Payments Only)

Months to Pay Off 36
Interest Rate 0%
Total Interest Paid $0
Monthly Payment $445
Total Cost $16000
Total Paying $9000

Need Help navigating the the various debt relief options?

Speak with a Certified Debt Analyst for a free consultation.